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    Subaru's EZ30D was a 30litre horizontallyopposed (or 'boxer') sixcylinder petrol engine For Australia, the EZ30D engine was solely available on the Subaru BH Outback from 200003 Key features of the EZ30D engine included its: Opendeck, diecast aluminium block; Aluminium alloy cylinder head; Double overhead camshafts actuating fourSubaru's EJ251 and EJ252 were 25litre horizontallyopposed (or 'boxer') fourcylinder petrol engines For Australia, the EJ251 engine was first introduced in the Subaru BE/BH Liberty in 1998 and subsequently offered in the BH Outback, GD/GG Impreza RS andEJ251 and EJ252 Subaru Engines

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  • Subaru EZ30D Engine australiancarreviews

    Subaru's EZ30D was a 30litre horizontallyopposed (or 'boxer') sixcylinder petrol engine For Australia, the EZ30D engine was solely available on the Subaru BH Outback from 200003 Key features of the EZ30D engine included its: Opendeck, diecast aluminium block; Aluminium alloy cylinder head; Double overhead camshafts actuating fourSubaru's EJ251 and EJ252 were 25litre horizontallyopposed (or 'boxer') fourcylinder petrol engines For Australia, the EJ251 engine was first introduced in the Subaru BE/BH Liberty in 1998 and subsequently offered in the BH Outback, GD/GG Impreza RS andEJ251 and EJ252 Subaru Engines

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